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The True Blood vampires and the supes should form a pact and fight humans together

Hey, my heart is soft like your. You just cant brake it, beacouse it always heals.

Yeah, but your still cold, and it dosn't beat.

Well you have a point there. But i have blood in me.

Yeah well that blood is evil. Its just wrong.

Hey you're the one who's a freak of nature here. Born a freak. But lets not talk about what makes us different, instead lets plan our war.

Yeah well i don't burn when i see the sun, sucker.

...So about the war. Beacouse me and my kind can't walk out side in day light i am asking your kind to fight during the day.

Well that we can do, but are you suckers just gonna fight during the night?

Well, dog, as you said we burn in the sun, so yes my kind will only fight during the night. But we have trustworthy humans fighting on our side.

Humans fighting aginst humans? Have you fangers glamourised the humans?

No. The humans have come to us. They can walk out any time they want, but have to be prepared to possibly die if the get in the way.

What about Sookie?

She is fighting for the supes and the vampires of course. She is going to be a big advantage for us.

But you're not just using Sookie right?

No. I would never do that. She means a lot to me, i acctually wouldn't like her to fight at all. But you know that there is no stopping Sookie.

Yes, i know. But what if she gets hurt. There is at least 10 that is going to end their lives if she dies.

I know. But she said that is a risk she is going to take. She said she is going to die fighting for all the ones she loves. And she has the right fighting on our side, because she is not all human.

That girl is not right in the head fighting for fangers.

That girl is mental for fighting for dogs like you.

Well let's toast for our crazy Sookie, and start planning a war.

To Sookie, and to slaughteing humans.



Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av babyvamp-emma
Läst 254 gånger
Publicerad 2011-10-20 08:36

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