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Your Story

Creating your own story?
Sometimes it is not easy to put the puzzle together.
How does it belong? Where does it come from?
Sometimes your life feels like a floating nothing, that doesn’t have any shape or form.
That doesn’t know where it is or where it is going.
Creating your own story?
Sometimes, many times god tries to give you a hand.
If you listen. Listen to what comes naturally to you.
The right thing to do right now.
The step in the story that made you come forward.
Come forward in your inner senses.
Senses, feelings. They say what god has in mind.
The things, the opportunities that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
No struggles, just comes natural. Let it come to you and don’t let it go.
It will help you to the next step of the story.
Believe in god or not, the important is to follow your inner voice.
Be patient. Although some struggles.
You will get thru it.
Because once you get thru it, you will develop trough the changes.
Through the new possibilities.
But can I know when this is it? When this is it.
When it comes natural. Like it is meant for you.
Grab it. Sometimes it will appear out of nowhere.
But how will I be able to plan my life then?
You are your own creator of the story as well.
Inside you know what is right for you and follows that path.
If you listen. Listen to your senses.
They could tell you where to head,
Head forward, or stay for a while.
Just don’t be tricked by your emotions.
Because sometimes they are hiding its true sources.
The sources that are held down deeply in you.
That are what you were and what you experienced.
And not what you are and want to become.
Don’t be afraid of changes. They will shape you.
Give your life a form, after sometime.
If you are patient with the changes.
The changes you grabbed and the ones you planned.
You have to write your story well and with all the recipes,
To get where you want.
Sometimes you have to let go of what you planned and let something new come in instead.
Because that’s what’s right for you in that moment,
And you know it,
And that might be it.

Fri vers av Lovisa Lindbom
Läst 312 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2011-11-13 16:01

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Lovisa Lindbom
Lovisa Lindbom