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It is time to book that dance class or other that suits you! (write it up on a note so you don´t forget, if you have to book it in autumn not now;) Meanwhile; just dance!

Universal Languish

We are living in a world were black and white condemns our shadows.
Inside their minds a sew is growing,
Movement, move, rhythm, feel the flow in our bodies; always there from the origin,
Universal languish.
I feel the tension between our bodies, feeling the fear fare away from here;
Tension to belong.
Why? We are all singing the same song.
Rhythm, drums,
Everything comes along.
Losing your mind and let your body decide.
”Let your body decide where you want to go,
high or low fast or slow, let your body decide where you want to go”
Dance; Capoeira; the champion dance, Afro, Yoga, Jazz, Pilates, Qi gong, Modern dance.
The list could be long.
Our body can not lie.
We are all speaking the same languish.
Movement, rhythm, fear to not belong.
Why? We are all singing the same song.
Do you want to die?
Inside our minds a saw is growing.

Fri vers av Lovisa Lindbom
Läst 489 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-17 20:16

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  Blomma-Stjärna VIP
"let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow"
- Movement, rhythm, fear to not belong
Why? We are all singing the same song.
-------- som EN FRISK FLÄKT kommer denna dikt - min första läsning, när jag loggade in ikväll, efter ett par veckors uppehåll från poeter.se

  Eaglemountains VIP
"We are all singing the same song" .... true words!!
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Lovisa Lindbom
Lovisa Lindbom