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A paper so blank,
There to put a print on.
Does the story want to be told?
Told in words, objectively,
The viewer.
The Scenography, putting characters together.
Putting them into a story.
Feeling like nobody and in the same time like someone important.
To be someone and to be nothing.
Like a movie star,
On everybody’s lips, on every screen.
Yet so lonely.
Yet not knowing if she is loved.
Sounding paradoxically like a movie line.
Feeling the rhythm,
The rhythm from the film still bouncing in me.
Yet I can’t describe what’s in me,
Like I am a robot, hiding my true feeling.
And letting the story be told as it should be told on a paper so blank.
After seeing a movie being told,
Told and given.
We are creating small pieces of everyone’s lives,
Trying to schedule our own lives;
Our own lives, our own choices.
If we can control which role we want to take in the story of our life.
Yesterday and tomorrow. Putting our character together.
A paper so blank.
You can write what you want, if you decide what to choose.
Tomorrow is Yesterday and Yesterday is tomorrow.
We are what we were and will be.
Remembering the details of our life shaping who we are today...Will help us become free,
Free from prejudices of who we think we are.
Just because something we couldn’t control happened,
Trying to control.
Let go. Yesterday and tomorrow.
Let love your character. Let go and go with the flow.
The flow of what has been told and will be told.
Will the story be told? Let it be told.
On a paper so blank.

Fri vers av Lovisa Lindbom
Läst 319 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2017-01-21 19:58

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Lovisa Lindbom
Lovisa Lindbom