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Break free

The rain is hitting hard, soft, hard,
Stroking my thoughts, embracing my soul.

Want to be free, free, free, free,
Do what I want when I want.
Free from obligations.
What do we really have to do?
How can things come easily?
Zen; the right actions,
No concerns, only flow.
Free from the wall that shuts you in,
Inside there is more that wants to break out.
The elder is really a product of the environment, the society.
The children is still free, free action with new thoughts.
Not thoughts that are supposed to be,
That you are supposed to think, think, think.
The time is running; think, think.
The time is running out,
Out in the sea, sea of intuition that comes from being
whatever you want to be and not what they want you to be.
Break free.

Fri vers av Lovisa Lindbom
Läst 1907 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2011-12-17 12:17

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Lovisa Lindbom
Lovisa Lindbom