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The end of Maya Calendar, 2012

The end of Maya Calendar, 2012

Where are we heading?
A new state of mind
Where are we heading?
The egos circling state has to change,
Trough meditation that gives a new clarity,
A consuming foaming sea that turns clear and still,
so our minds need to be.
The Maya god that meditates and reaches another spiritual state.
Who is the Maya god?
It could be and happen in everyone.
Find it.
Seize it.
Feal it.
Act it out,
For another world,
Another state of mind.
They say that the Maya tree exist in the north,
So can the Christmas tree and the Maypole be explained?
Listen to the message; our collective force, collaboration, closeness, force to change.
Our collective minds will change the way we see earth and its resources.
We have already discovered that the resources are not endless, no we need to act!
Act on our discoveries and let out less carbon dioxide, which comes out in the atmosphere and heats up the earth.
Act now, and buy cares that is hybrid and goes on electricity.
Help undeveloped countries to change their factories so they become environmental, sustainable and fair to the workers.
Choose Fair trade and Organic products; that could Change the world.
What means the end of the Maya Calendar?
It could be an end of a long time, and a beginning of a new era.
A change of mindfulness;
Meditative minds.
Let this change of mind spread like seeds over fields.
Let them grow in our minds.
Let the seeds in our minds be love and peace.
Is it the end of the world?
Some believe so, some don’t.
Catastrophes, war and terror is already circling in this world, like a weal that don’t stop.
We have to make it stop, we have to fight, and we have to take responsibility.
We are already seeing some change in the Arabic world, change for democracy.
Sesame open up, open up for a new world.
Achieve a result, technical and magical, beyond our understanding.
Environmental technics and magical minds.
The war of terror is still here.
Is the evil and good working against each other?
The ego is circling.
Our minds need to change.
Time is soon here.
Let there be insight,
See it from the other side.
Stop the weal of terror.
Worldly terror and inside terror.
It’s all in our minds.
The times change of the Mayan calendar,
The planetary galactic change could be the change of our minds,
As Johan Calleman, a Mayan researcher believe, that it’s a new era.
It could be explained that we are going true a hard time for change of personality,
A suffering mind.
A mind that wants change.
Baby steps needs to be taken for those who have reaches a climax.
A climax of suffering.
Change in our inner and other beings.
Limits of growth.
Work less and consume less. We can be as happy with fewer belongings and more of free time;
Time to spend together, time to reflect, time to make healthy choices.
Vote for change.
Vote for healthy growth;
Taxes for the common good; the whole society.
The time is soon here; 21 December 2012?
Researchers and the Maya people aswell, do not agree of the end date; it can be somewhere in beetween 2011-2013.
It is a Universal time cycle.
A cycle of change.
Astrology is an ancient knowledge that we need to comprehend.
The Egypt’s, Greek, Chines, Vedic astrologers and of course the Maya;
All studied the planets, moon and the sun’s influence on us.
Visit Maya Portal, let it open new doors inside you.
Take it in, change within, spread the word.
The galactic energy is waving, fleeing, flying with 13 baktun at the top.
I am 13 cimi which means death in the Maya Calender.
Am I part of the galactic energy?
We all are.
Is there a spiritual force influencing us?
See it.
13 deals with children and gardening.
Could we make earth paradise?
By raising our children with love,
and spending time in our gardens and nature.
Change within through meditation.
Meditative minds shaping, learning, grabbing a new future.
If you don’t like ordinary meditation you could find your own meditation;
Like cooking, bathing or running.
Time to still the mind.
Time to make up your mind, by resting your mind.
Time is a living thing, so let it change you within.
Now, time is soon here 21 December 2012; 13 Ahau, wich means death and light.
An end for a new era.
We will all be reborn; whatever that can mean.
Believe and see that we together can make a new future;
Through our meditative minds.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Lovisa Lindbom
Läst 462 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-04 13:49

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Kan inget om Mayakalendern. Men jag vet att den största kraften hittar man inuti sig själv. Den kraften som finns i oss kommer att skapa förändring mot en bättre värld som vi redan ser händer. Tillsammans skapar vi den nya världen. Du skriver många sanningar och jag håller med dig om mycket.

    Lars Gullberg
Vår tid är icka-andlig, tyvärr styrs inte våra sinnen av inre kraft utan av pengar och materiell standard likställt med lycka.

Din text är ett flöde av andliga vägar. jag är tyvärr inte så insatt i Mayakulturen.

för mej kan bara förändring ske genom förfall och ny uppgång.
denna epok i mänskligheten är i ett slutskede.

den är satt i ett sysem. Ekonomin kommer braka. krig kommer förinta, sjukdomar kommer ödelägga, inte idag inte imorgon, men för att vi är människor och vi är en del av universum

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Lovisa Lindbom
Lovisa Lindbom