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Sleep is importent; for wellbeing.

Frantic Searching

My mind is frantic,
Keeps going like a circle in the sky.
Leaving no expectations behind,
Frantic searching, leaving no room,
Leaving no space to hide,
Hide from multiple voices,
Voices and vices,
Leaving no expectation behind.
Multiple choices.
Memory will be full,
Like a bottle with gas that overflows in a slash.
Goodnight, goodbye.
Leave it all behind and let the night be long and warm.
Keeping you alive, free from inputs and outputs,
But still so alive.
The mind will search for answers.
Leave them behind to let the next day decide.

Fri vers av Lovisa Lindbom
Läst 344 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2012-01-19 15:25

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Lovisa Lindbom
Lovisa Lindbom