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Tänjer på gränserna för att breda min livssyn. Engelska har en slagkraft i orden som jag gillar och ofta kan relatera till. Bilden tagen av winterbutterfly81.

Carousel from reality

It's been thousands of years

and people are still living with fears

harmony is dislocated from most thoughts

and keeping calm has become a chore

we would rather lay down on the floor

and we have long forgotten what's important anymore

It shouldn't be about wasting our ability and insight

but we give in to our needs and slowly lose the fight

happiness pursuers are being outsmarted by the wrongdoers

its all about the cheap tricks and cons to get that extra coin

but its the way it is we cant fight it so we give in and join

We join the carousel and forget to get of it when the ride ends

we get caught up in the bright lights and music until it all just blends

and it's hard for those that try to just dance away

they are seen different and end up as prey making them float in the gray

the powerful steal our thoughts like thiefs

and we get tarred and feathered for our beliefs

Inside all of us lives a modern psychopath
we can try to shake it off and laugh
but in the end its all chaos and wrath


Fri vers av Civilkurage
Läst 283 gånger
Publicerad 2013-02-07 15:36

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