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The earth is changing slowly poisons leaking

The Earth is changing slowly poisons leaking
Greenpeace proves nuclear plant uncertainty

The politicians screaming about capitalists accuracy
proving their falseness greed unwillingness to awareness

Indians warn of crossroads here and now
to select the track to our original nature

The water is still going to drink the air to breathe

BOOM terrorist blasts one two nuclear-factorys we can greet home
balloon exploding hiss away we run like hell

The road disappears nowhere is under our feet
to us as the air in the balloon is now nothing

We fall will be a new star captured by a planet
where we spin around and around with no chance to influence

Fri vers av kjell-åke bearfoot VIP
Läst 196 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-03-04 13:34

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kjell-åke bearfoot VIP