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A Little After

The lava congealed in Kilauea’s veins; Pele snaked her way inwards, towards the Iron Bed and another thousand years of dreamless sleep. Standing on top at the end of the crater I watched my yet glowing insides slowly shift towards bluer nuances, become amalgamated; and I started to discern every little thing I had amassed and buried in me over all of these years, finally captured in earthly bodies, frozen in time. The constellations unfolding in front of me seemed bizarre and unrelated at a first glance; but when the last veil of smoke had been torn apart it all resolved into a kind of rare, asymmetric harmony; a pattern revealing the essence of the perfect existence. I reached out in search of my heart; and as I held its frantic beat in the palm of my hand I recognized that I, after all, had "a reason why".

Prosa av narcissak
Läst 193 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-06-29 23:17

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