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That shaking body

Full of word,
out of word.
They WERE here
but now...
My emptyness
is taken me down,
destroys me
for not give me the time,
the time to talk with you
the last days.

I hate to have that feelings before I go home.
Every time I feel homeless.
To sit outside ones house and look
into the windows full of light
and laughing people,
to feel unwelcome.

I saw you again today.
An empty wheelchair was moved
into an elevator.
You were there, I saw you
but I know your are still dead,
dead like a stone
but I miss you.

The shaking body
was here today,
just like yesterday.
The shaking and
the drumming against the desk whit my nail.
Even if I know,
even if I can be calm by now,
everything is still like this.
don\'t ever do like that anymore.


Fri vers av molndans
Läst 556 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2006-04-24 10:29

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