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The White Rabbit

Me and my boyfriend had a decent life together. Though poor and living in a small shack out in the desert we loved each other. But when I got pregnant something changed. At first for the better of course. We were happy we were going to be a little family. But soon reality hit us: How were we going to raise a baby with almost no money?

This fact hit my boyfriend harder than it hit me because he felt responsible for our lives. I think he actually started praying at night. I could hear him talking in the bathroom before we went to bed. I think he even cried sometimes.

Then another change happened: My boyfriends mood turned. As the baby grew in my stomach my boyfriend seemed to get happier by the day. I could still hear him talk in the bathroom but there was no more crying.

One day he told me everything was going to be OK. I could see in his eyes that he meant it. Every night before we turned out the lights he repeated it:

”Everything is going to be OK.”

I have always felt that the universe has a way of sorting everything out in the end and I was glad my boyfriend also seemed to have found that peace. One evening this materialised in a way I could have never imagined: My boyfriend had bought a lottery ticket which at first had made me a little upset since we were counting our very pennies to make it all work. I soon realised though, that that lottery ticket was the next best thing, after the baby, that had ever happened to us. As the man on the TV read our numbers and it hit me that we were millionaires I couldn’t believe it. Universe had solved our problems in an unbelievable way.

We began looking for a new house in town, in a good neighborhood, close to a good school. We found one and bought it but decided not to move until we’d had the baby and all had settled a bit.

One evening as I was about to pop, my boyfriend came home with a new car. I never cared much about cars and believed him when he said it was a good car for our little family. We decided to take it for a spin in the desert outside of our soon to be left little shack.

I felt the wind in my hair as I put my head out the window and we drove for hours talking about our new life. We stopped to watch the sunset over the desert that didn’t seem so frightening no more.

As the sun had set and we drove back over the plains a rabbit appeared in our cars headlights. We laughed though felt sorry for it as it kept running, probably scared, in our headlights even though my boyfriend tried to turn away. After a while he stopped laughing. I guess he was tired of having the rabbit running in front of our car for minutes on end.

As it was pitch black around us I told my boyfriend to slow down since we weren’t familiar with these parts of the desert. But he didn’t. Without saying a word he speeded up. I told him it wasn’t funny and that I wanted him to stop. He didn’t say anything and just kept staring at the rabbit still running in front of us. The white rabbit. This was the first time I realised that the rabbit was clear white. As white as anything I had ever seen actually. What scared me more though was the next fact that came into my mind: My boyfriend weren’t trying to avoid the rabbit no more. He was following it. I screamed to him to stop the car but he just kept speeding. Then he calmly told me to get out of the car. As he said it I noticed his eyes were like I’ve never seen them before. It was like he was there but also not. He didn’t seem sad but tears were running down his cheeks.

”Get out of the car” he told me again. I paniced and grabbed a hold of his arm and started shaking him. It seemed like he didn’t even notice. He just kept following the rabbit in the headlights with eyes that were his but also not. That’s when he moved for the first time in a long while: He slowly put his hand on my belly for a couple of seconds and then told me everything is going to be OK. He lifted his hand from my belly, clicked my seatbelt open and put his hand on the handle of the car door beside me. I screamed on the top of my lungs as he opened the door and pushed me out of the car. I rolled around in the sand and stopped just as I could see the white rabbit in the headlights jump off a cliff. The car and my boyfriend in it went in after and disappeared.

Now I am sitting in my new house in town, in a good neighborhood, close to a good school with my newborn daughter in my arms, wondering: Who was my boyfriend talking to in the bathroom at night?

Prosa (Kortnovell) av Konradsson
Läst 281 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-13 20:44

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