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Loves me loves me not


What is love
when it blow
In one direction
or another direction

Why believes we that we must take care of love
are we so scared
That loves goes away
because of something we say or not say

If love really exist
then you need no science
Because then both will understand
whatever who comes up in the other brain

Its not hard
to follow your heart
If your love is real
then you don´t need look after something to heal

But if your love is fake
then you will escape
Because of rules
that stop your freedom steps

Then its better you fly
even if the other one cry
Because when you know that your love was not the truth
when you know it, don´t be shy

Honesty is always better than everything
even if your love changing
Is it better to sing
sorry i give back your ring

Fri vers (Fri form) av kjell-åke bearfoot VIP
Läst 330 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2017-07-31 05:01

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True love is kind and patient, it is not self-seeking and do not want to hurt. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
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kjell-åke bearfoot VIP