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The Devils Jaws

When she least expect it
the darkness is there
and the floor speaks to her
She crawls into the corner
with eyes of ice

as if it would calm the storm of sadness

The pain tears her skin
with hard
sharp claws
Cracks her cheek
with tears of cutting force

It hurts, she notes
but silences the scream
and her damaged
bleeding soul whispers

"No response in all cases
when breathing deficiencies
No one can see the fire was extinguished
and the heart is not able to do more"

And she whispers to the floor
to the bleeding soul
to the sadness
the darkness
the pain...

"You will never get me"

Fri vers av Snowstorm
Läst 223 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-02-15 00:03

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