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Den brutala ärligheten, och den mörkaste livssynen.

The Pessimism of Society

Can’t take back the time which has been spilled
No one’s that skilled
Can’t forget an individual
That’s just fictional
Shouldn’t forgive every mistake
Just let someone else feel the ache
Shouldn’t really speak your true mind
Just watch the failure of the humankind
Can’t be buried by the most beautiful chapel
Only saint’s gets to be the core of the apple
Can’t have a one-night-stand at the hotel
Cause’ whores goes to hell
Can’t go to Las Vegas and win a million
Let’s just face that dreams are for children
Can’t shoot fire from your hands even if you wanted to
Such fantasies only makes you a fool
Can’t seek to be as free as the bird
Being that kind of a selfish bastard is just absurd
Can’t believe magic really exists
Not even in a true love's kiss

Bunden vers (Rim) av F.J.Will
Läst 169 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-10-09 17:39

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