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Like The Devil

Beings, which I touch, is turned to stone
I am cold to the bone
Look into my eyes and you’ll fall into deep slumber
Thirteen is my lucky number

Water does not quench my thirst
In sarcasm I have immersed
I am death re-born
Buried in my skin, a hidden identity worn

Inside I scream
Swimming against the stream of mainstream
I do not hunger for food
You will not meet anyone with my crude attitude

In my eyes you’ll see hell’s flame
On my lips you’ll taste the devil’s name
The blood in my veins runs as black as the darkest night
Come with me, I promise you’ll never see the daylight

Fri vers (Fri form) av F.J.Will
Läst 158 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-10-09 17:46

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