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Tomiro's Diary, from Gustavi 2053



Monday 32:nd of Gustavi 2053

Good Night, Tomiro!?! You're completely tired of those computer scooters, also called AI bikes. We see how you throw away some, into holes of rain and pits of clay. They persist with parking themselves in the middle of many roads. Not exactly glowing like neon in this summer darkness, but each computer scooter has a shimmering green eye. Is it able to watch your behaviour?? With their man-made brains, AI bikes constantly create new traffic rules. They prefer conflicts and chaos, just to install new order. That's still the main reason why human race began to dissapear back in 2023.



Tuesday 33:rd of Gustavi 2053

Good Morning, Tomiro!?! We got this yellow message from Traffic Central Filial, telling that you're guilty of destroying important infrastructure. Camera #838H has registrated Tomiro#3 tonight 02:32:14 , as you as he threw AI bike #107RLS649 into another camera #838G (who itself were drowning in mud, however still worked at actual moment). Before very end of Gustavi, two anonymous computer scooters will be sent out, to capture Tomiro#3. They'll bring you as he into Secret Storage Hospital, for minimum 4 hours and maximum 12 years. We recommend you NOT RUN, but let us find reasonable negotiation, explaining you're niether human nor machine.



Wednesday 34:th of Gustavi 2053

Good Evening, Tomiro!?! You fell asleep in your vaettir cave, while reading paper books about culturally thoughtful human beings. We've written alot of these historical portraits, wandering from Sven Christer Swahn and Peter Himmelstrand, via Mare Kandre and Alexander Bard, to Ruben Östlund and Liv Strömquist. Then half the world took over, which made us+them United Sweden. Now thirty years later, you never find signs of living humans =dead??? However endless traces of their machines rolls through our electric streets. AI bikes holds systematic power. Each day strange war goes on, between different groups of computer scooters, worse than Ruschina.








Prosa (100-ordare) av TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Läst 81 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-18 19:21

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Antonietta Ibramossika vrider sig samt vänder, kalla kårar utför ryggraden rader sänder, vid läsning av rysare per bok, som vore de skrivna av en tok, mera då av vanliga författares noveller, får henne att undra över texters 'eller'...

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Otroligt levande skildringar av dagar som jag hoppas inte kommer… fast samtidigt blir jag nyfiken. För övrigt trevligt att läsa dig på engelska, det kan jag inte minnas att jag har gjort tidigare.
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