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ja..nåt jag kom på en tråkig regnig dag..

only words

..I Love you..

..I love you..

..I love you..

It doesn´t mather how many times I,(yes I) say it. It´s still only words.

It´s only words..

I love you like the sky loves it´s stars..

I love you like heaven loves it´s angels..

I feel the wind in my hair, and i feel thesame feeling I felt when I walked in the wet grass for the first time..a sweet feeling.

I love you. I´m nothing without you..I´m like heaven without the light babyblue color..

I love you, so much
but it´t still only Words..

.. MY words..to YOU

Fri vers av sazza
Läst 351 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-02 18:28

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