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Till den som alltid står vid min sida, och som alltid är lika underbar..puss på dig<3

Something old, something new..something borrow something blue....

I had these feelings for you...these smiling feelings..they sad"..to love or not to love..thats the question.."

Then i would not understand...but now i do..then my feelings were old..but now i have new ones, even stronger...

you promissed me your heart. you promissed me your love..but was it for life, or could i just borrow?
Sometimes i´m feeling blue, but like the heart, you´re always there..so to love or not to love, thats the question..

only you can make your heart happy..take the chance before it´s someone elses.....

Fri vers av sazza
Läst 358 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-31 11:51

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