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Black and white

she's in the bathroom shaking pictures
and makes sure they're black and white
she keeps her headspace in the bedroom
with poetry and a glas of wine
she's black and white

the stars are asking her to fallow
but she don't know how to fly
instead she's walking through a hallow
but I know she'll be alright
in black and white

she sees her life just like a mirage
of someone elses life
she tries so hard to be so different
but she don't know how to shine
she's black and white

she is trapped inside a mirror
where her dreams collect like dust
she wants to paint her world in colors
but she just can't find the light
in black and white

Fri vers av Vaara
Läst 171 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-03-07 22:39

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