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Den här dikten skrev jag efter att min dåvarande flickvän dog i en bilolycka när jag var 15. Det var den tuffaste tiden i mitt liv.

Rest in Peace My Angel

Seven years have passed by, in what seems like a day.
I spent most of that time, just running away.
But I'm tired now princess, I need to reflect.
And bring out the emotion, I chose to neglect.

You were all that I lived for, we were soul mates I knew.
From the first day we met, I submitted to you.
I could tell there and then, I would love you forever.
Like two peices of puzzle, that fit perfect together.

Your topaz blue eyes, made me melt at the sight.
So enchanting they were, so ensnairing and bright
Your long flowing hair, always perfect and straight.
Always made me go weak, and increased my heart rate.

When we held hands, your soothing soft skin.
Made an unknown emotion flow out from within.
It was scary at times, how this girl made me feel.
And i wondered so often, if these feeling were real.

She was so open minded, and lived life to the max.
And she had this ability, to make me relax.
We had such heartfelt moments, almost every day.
And we shared all our problems, cause thats just our way.

We would walk hand in hand, no journey in mind.
To see what new places, that us two could find.
And would sit there for hours, just laughing away.
No matter where we went, we had a great day.

She lived up north, and I lived down south.
So we constantly traveled each month back and forth.
It was hard when apart, but the trust was immense.
And the long distance thing sometimes made me so tense.

We made it all possible, as the love was sincere.
We were madly inlove and it worked month by month.
Not once did we argue, or lose any trust.
If we had disagreements, we both would adjust.

A fairytale life, can describe what we had.
We were both so alike, and a little bit mad.
Me and her are forever, soul mates we would say.
And we let this true love, just take us away.

We were perfect my angel, forever to be.
In our own little bubble, sits just you and me.
So entwined in true love, true beauty entrapped.
In our loved up enclosure, we lay in arms wrapped.

Then one evening, disaster, came out of the blue.
And our father decided, he wanted you too.
And he stole you away, with no chance to appeal.
I cannot explain how that day made me feel.

My emotions exploded, out first came the pain.
The agony ripping, was truly insane.
Then came anger, and fear, and crushing inside.
I just fell to the floor, curled up, and just cried.

After this came depression, I never went out.
And my view of my life, was just filled up with doubt.
I lost faith in the world, and pushed family away.
I'm still in recovery, to this very day.

As I sit and reflect, on the good times we had.
I now see, it can wash away all of the bad.
For this girl was my angel, were still here entrapped.
In our little love bubble, we lay in arms wrapped.

Rest in peace my angel.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Zokkiie
Läst 202 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-20 17:49

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