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Don't care to speak

I know I'm cold and weak
C0ld, and I don't care to speak
I would like to fly
but not like a bird
no that's not a lie.

Speak up!, you'd say,
do yourself a favor,
just in any way.

I know I'm cold and weak
wherefore I don't care to speak
It's almost
like playing hide and seek
If this game wouldn't be
in a total of an internal streak.

Of pain
that will gain
a serious amount of shame
Out of the blue
due to the two.

Do yourself a favor
do not play hide and seek
because in hide and seek
you're not supposed to speak.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Tricia Johansson
Läst 453 gånger
Publicerad 2019-10-02 13:01

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Tricia Johansson
Tricia Johansson