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He was covered in scars
but had enough teeth
he had difficulties sleeping
and very small feet.

He was kind as a flower
naive as a child
strong as three horses
but have never gone wild.

Cleverness was a skill he never had
he is somehow always in trouble
it starts to make him mad.

Humble and kind
isn't always enough tools
Before; he was the good spirit
now; he is just like us; fools.

He used to be strong
he used to do what's right
he is no longer as before
other people made him fight.

Now when he's gone
we know what we've done
it's always too late for this song
Only God knows what went wrong.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Tricia Johansson
Läst 459 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-10-02 13:28

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Tricia Johansson
Tricia Johansson