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What begins with lies

It begins with lies
prepared with flaws
The spaced thoughts flies
what's left just dies.

The beginning
was unfortunately the end
I wouldn't spend
A thought
with no chance of winning.

The eternal pain
is gone by wishing
I can't complain
I'm held back with a chain.

Back to the start
the beginning of lies
But even if it dies
I will remember in the heart.

Broken and gone
Trashed and wrong
I won't wait to long
To hear the spaced thought's song.

I wish I could end
what begins with lies
Thoughts; they always flies
I don't want to spend

The eternity in hell,
all the partial smell
I can already tell
this won't end well.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Tricia Johansson
Läst 455 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-10-02 13:10

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Tricia Johansson
Tricia Johansson