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Poem about bipolar disease. By Ahmed Wickedpedia Alabed

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar, a storm within the mind,
A tempest that rages, unconfined.
A rollercoaster of highs and lows,
A journey that nobody knows.

One moment, the world is bright and clear,
The next, it's dark and full of fear.
The mind races, thoughts collide,
Emotions churn, and tears are cried.

The highs are like a soaring flight,
A feeling of pure and unbridled delight.
The world is full of endless possibility,
And life is a joyous, boundless reality.

But then the lows come crashing in,
A feeling of despair that's hard to win.
The world is bleak, and hope is gone,
And life is a struggle to carry on.

Bipolar, a constant battle fought,
A war within that can't be bought.
But with love and support, and a helping hand,
The storm can be weathered, and peace can be found.

So let us stand with those who fight,
And help them through the darkest night.
For in the end, we're all just human,
And we all need love and understanding.

By: Ahmed Wickedpedia Alabed

Bunden vers (Rim) av Ahmed Alabed
Läst 69 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-03-09 22:21

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Ahmed Alabed