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Jag fann ensamheten i mörkret och med det kom det de mörka sinnet och tankarna. "I found the loneliness in the dark and with that came the dark mind and thoughts."

I am my own person

In the depths of my mind, a darkness resides,
A place where shadows dance and light subsides.
I am my own person, with struggles untold,
A tortured soul, a heart grown cold.

Every day, every hour, a battle within,
A war of emotions, a fight I cannot win.
The weight of the world, upon my weary chest,
Loneliness consumes, my soul so distressed.

No mournful cries, no one to understand,
Lost in this abyss, a solitary strand.
The evil within, a haunting presence,
A constant reminder of my own essence.

I fall into slumber, plagued by twisted dreams,
Where demons whisper and darkness gleams.
No solace in rest, no respite to find,
Just endless torment, within my mind.

But even in darkness, a flicker of light,
A glimmer of hope, a chance to take flight.
I'll embrace the shadows, make them my,
ownHarness their power, let my true self be shown.

For I am my own person, both dark and light,
A complex soul, a paradox of might.
In the depths of my struggle, I'll find my way,
Unfolding my mind, in darkness I'll stay.

So let the world tremble, as I rise from the night,
A force to be reckoned with, a warrior's might.
No longer confined by the chains of despair,
I'll conquer the darkness, breathe in the air.

For I am my own person, a genius profound,
With creativity, cleverness, darkness unbound.
In the depths of my soul, a masterpiece unfolds,
A symphony of shadows, a story yet untold.

By: Ahmed Wickedpedia Alabed

Bunden vers (Sonett) av Ahmed Alabed
Läst 59 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-09 17:39

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Ahmed Alabed