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Young and in love

A blue moon only occurs
now and then
just like an evening walk
before it gets dark
Alone under the dark blue city sky
Listening to music and thinking about
when we met back then
How the colors I was able to see
magically multiplied by ten
Blue turns black while I am walking
back to you
I’m breathing for the first time in a while
and notice the weight
on my shoulders not being heavy
as back then
Before the blue endless sky
reminded me of what it's like to be
really young again

Bunden vers (Rim) av Sehnsuchttt
Läst 112 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-17 16:12

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    ej medlem längre
this is a masterpiece. ended perfectly. you have real talent <3
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