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For some depression seems to always stick around. For folks like us, the depression seem to drastically escalate during wintertime

Depression during wintertime

Went to the store
bought some nice candle lights
without a deep thought
Primarily for future dark times
To be specific
for the one that will soon arrive
Winter, they say
Cozy and beautiful
Drinking egg toddy by the fire
with Sherry John and Connie

The darkness is like a wolf
dressed in sheep’s clothes
I hold the heavy bag
with the candles I just bought
A load of dark red and dark green sticks
and even if I already know
that when the winter arrives
and I am at home
likely bored and low
I will light the candles
and sense the smell of fire under my nose
To then again realise
there’s nothing other than darkness in sight
There’s no point really
I tried to picture it all cosy
But remembering recent years is not that easy
Was it this dark?

I see nothing except the emergency lights
and the people laughing
under a broken flashing neon light
Making me feel more lonely than before
even when I meet the people that I know
Something is not right
rather offshore
I ask someone to turn on the light
Why they say?
It will be too bright
There is no safety
no connection in sight
I hate myself for it
These are the people I hold so tight
The ones I have met one hundred million times

But as they say
this too shall pass
I will come out alright
after fighting the wolf
and night
A heart more and more fragile as the years pass
but never have I given up a fight
Suddenly spring is here
back to baseline
A line probably much lower
then the other ones around
That’s a whole different story
I would rather not work overtime
I once again put on a smile
Here we are again
back to the grind

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Sehnsuchttt
Läst 96 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-11-03 01:34

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