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To honor every misunderstood soul

Have seen too many people burn
Instead of screaming for help
they try to hide the flame
“Why?” some people may ask
Because it sometimes hurts less to burn
then to be pointed at and blamed
from people walking past
not even knowing your name
Some are pretending not to watch
cause how mean to stare at a person in despair
So they just walk away
Certainly, these people don’t know
the amount of pain someone can experience
only cause it may be invisible
doesn't mean it does not exist
Even if we know this
that pain can hide inside the brain
they are still sure you are the one to blame

It can sound like this
That person should have known better
why go against the grain?
trying to stick out so damn much
instead of watching the good kids and act the same
Blah blah blah
This is why people suffer in silence
Alone they sink deeper into this dangerous lottery game
aware that they might not survive the flame
The people who judged while looking away are partly to blame
What a shame
These people believe that we are all born with the same conditions
same opportunities all the way
We live in a good country they say
willpower is all you need
A belief so poisonous it makes me ill
apart from causing so many to bleed
A belief that unfortunately continues to spread like a disease

As an adult, I understand
life is nothing else but a lottery game
Cause and effect
our conditions will never be the same
Different genes
never one event will be experienced the same
Some grow up with healthy meals
some with fast food and bad routines
A little boy just started school
Barely been there for a week
until he finds out
his father has this deadly disease
One guy got bullied for years
only for being Japanese
I don't think we all fit being parents
some wouldn’t agree
I am of course aware
that a person can grow up in a loving home
yet be hunted by the feeling of not being enough
feeling daily self-doubt
Some parents take care of their offspring
like a florist takes care of a seed
while some randomly pick a place to put it down
in the nearest location where there is only dry soil
in maximum speed
Not necessarily because they are evil
they just follow a rite
cause only in god do they trust and believe

You see
Nothing is ever gonna be as we wish
we will never be the same
You can grow up in the worst place
yet feeling more stable
then the one with caring parents
a lot of money and an honourable name
Some have more luck than brains
some are pretty much anonymous geniuses
unknown only because of their mediocre grades
Adulthood is a complex thing
Freedom is not simply being without chains
mental wounds can act just the same
behave like invisible chains
they hold you captive inside your own mind
Sometimes even for a whole lifetime
Nothing is ever black or white
Not even grey I would say
Never be quick to judge
cause every situation and event
have unlimited versions of the truth
that are simultaneously being displayed

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Sehnsuchttt
Läst 75 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-11-03 12:57

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