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Like Friend Who's Gone

Sometimes I can
remind myself, I still
feel something

Sometimes you pop
up in my head, I think
“it’s nothing”

But, it’s like missing a
friend who’s gone,
you never forget her

Really thought, you
were gone,
but I had wrong.

It’s like missing
your friend who’s gone

Really believed, you
were the one,
but also there, I had

Many times, I wanna
be near you, wanna say
“I love you”

Many times, it never ends
like that, you hate me,
I know it’s true

I know, I’ll never
forget you, although
you’re not the one

I know, it’s like forget
a friend who is gone

Fri vers av emci
Läst 343 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-12-06 00:04

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