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Happy holidays, darling (three fucking weeks without you)


Sleepless and sick with love;

I did not have enough to drink

I was hoping the wine and the company

would help me not to think


It worked for a good few hours

but now the evening's through

It's 3 a.m, I'm wide awake

and thinking of nothing but you


Of three whole weeks without you

I wished you a happy holiday

I didn't tell you I started to ache

the moment you walked away


And I didn't stay in your arms

And I didn't dare a kiss

I don't know how to make you realise

that we can't say no to this


Do you know how I really feel?

Have you seen that I'm in this deep?

Do you think I'm just in for a flirt or a fling,

Would it shock you that I can't sleep?


In my mind I still hear your voice

My skin feels your lingering touch

I'm sleepless and sick with love

And I miss you so goddamn much


Bunden vers av Princess Charles
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-04 15:14

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