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35 år Female icon från Göteborg


Dagbok - November 2006

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I wrote this for an assignment on social issues in English. I\'m not actually sure why or how I came up with my idea, since I\'m no sure if I believe in God or not. Maybe I wrote it because I\'m always questioning it and hesitating, as well. Give me some

Torsdag den 16 November 2006

This is my way of expressing God\'s thoughts

Diary of God

Tuesday 16th of October 2006
I see them all. They walk around in circles, in a desert, huge and red, as the Sahara. Society appears like the Sahara. People seem to be starving but full at the same time.
Like a goblet, filled to the edge with water. You can not fill it more, and if you move the goblet the water will be spilled. Some people end up inside the goblet, unable to direct their limbs. If they move, the water will be spilled. They become their own prison and can’t get out. Has the key dematerialized through a black hole?
Every passing day proves how little importance career, money and red, glittering Ferraris has. I watch those who have it, as much as I watch those who live a normal every-day life.
Marilyn “had it all“. She was famous, rich and I can tell you, she was beauty itself. She killed herself and there I was with another soul to save.
Joanne, on the other hand, lives with her husband and her two kids in the suburb. Her face is starting to wrinkle and her big dream is to spend a vacation in another country. Every time she experiences a happy moment with her children she radiates appreciation.
Was Marilyn fed up with money, beauty and career? This beauty, this career and the money many people are longing for? There is so much that exists to be grateful for.

Wednesday 17th of October 2006
Another weekend has arrived and too many, all over the world, drown their sorrows.
People are scared, afraid of their thoughts. They hardly know themselves. Some want to find out, some stumble with closed eyes and at least they will fall, meet Saint Peter who decides if you can pass the Pearly gates to heaven or not. Hopefully they open their eyes and stabilize their lives. During my days in duty I have come to the conclusion that it is seldom bad to almost hit the bottom. From there, the situation can only improve.
They fight against the headwind, many times they are out of hope. Sometimes, all of a sudden, the wind seems to turn. Happy moments fill their lives as a cup of hot tea. A difficult and sad situation is when the turning point never stands out.
I want them to keep up their hope, their faith and their time will come.
When I watch a living soul open her eyes to the world, and when I watch the bud slowly develop into an adorable flower, my important task appears. I send a little angel to sit on her shoulder and guide her. As soon as she realizes that even bad experiences are good, she can learn and use every experience, I know that it is good. My little angel can leave her shoulder and her self-confidence will guide her.

Thursday 18th of October 2006
It is beautiful to see the love. When the love nestles warmly in between two hearts. Two hearts beating, fumbling and tumbling, hungry for nearness. They need each other. They need someone supportive and to keep close. The summer love is short and concise, but so incredibly wonderful.
Why cant they see? Why cant they see their beauty, their qualities and their strength? They are filled with capacity and wonderful humility, few of them see it, fewer use it, if I compare it to the population.
They either won’t, don’t or can’t see that they are one population. They see themselves as different populations and tribes, depending on their appearance. On the inside they are all the same. In general they all have similar dreams and hopes. They fight about religion. From the very beginning it has always been the religion and if not, it is natural resources. Religions are helpful, they keep up their hearts and their faith. It keeps them alive, and sometimes it kills. It is here my contradictoriness occur. When I see them walk into the church to be forgiven, pray and when I see their reverent faces, it moves my heart.
Ten minutes later they walk out of their holy chamber to a world of war and conflict.



november (1)