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a show sold out


what did happen?
when the flashlight hit my eyes
the white light
struck my eyes
through pouring rain
airplanes shouting

what did happen?
when the temperature suddenly switched
the cold chill
going through my body
giving me a hint
of the destination

so I opened up
and took it all in
never uttered a word

because of the hunger
I didn't take more money
than what was needed

what did happen?
before I knew of it
I was back
not able to speak
letting myself go
and getting myself sold

what actually did happen
my father had a deal
with another customer

what actually wasn't told
was the meaning of my opinion
of not agreeing at all

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Uppmärksamma artikel 12: barns rätt att komma till tals.

Max 1 bidrag per deltagare.
Lämna bidrag senast 2010-04-20 22:00.

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