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05.12.14 folkmelodi - "När månen vandrar..." typ här om någon inte känner igen www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RQSm-Ej6PI typ Gospel, egentligen skriven för Elvisstämma... men han hälsar är onåbar

"Little wings"

Hold my hand
out of faith, alone
let the new year

are your hearts
though as if of stone
let out your smile

you carry me
so tenderly
I shift your
when you get tired

there is so much
much more to see
than your eye


Oh see the light
shine on your feet
there is earth
underneath you

those walking steps
that you see unfold
throughout life
with merry

touch all things
from within
don’t be
when you grow older

there is so much
much more to see
when your soul
get transpired


So let the light
shine on thee
when the clouds
might be crying

there is a hand
that follows thee
rest assured
when you are trying

sing the song
of little wings
let the bird
find some rest
on your shoulder

there is so much
much more to see
when your heart
get inspired

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Nightngale
Läst 341 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2005-12-14 15:28

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