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The killing of a man.

As I turned to say goodbye, you turned to ask me why.
I buried my head in the sand, just to feel something again.
All these silly anecdotes, as far as magic music goes.
I am soon to go away, but my feet attend to stay.
I've got blood upon my hands, the real killer ran.
And no one seems to understand, the killing of a man.
The killing of a man
The killing of a man.

I hear a car outside, all these questions in my mind.
All my life is flashing by, except the minutes before he died.
Suddenly I am no longer in the room, I am safe within mothers whom.
Just as I turned to say goodbye, you laughed as I cried.
And I don't seem to understand, the killing of a man.
The killing of a man
The killing of a man.

I tried to explain, but no words came.
As they took me away, I laughed at your face.
All I wonder now is if the real killer is to be found.
"Oh, she don't seem to understand, that she just killed a man"
That she just killed a man
That she just killed a man.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Anna stolt
Läst 135 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-18 13:57

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Anna stolt
Anna stolt