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This is a \"not so serious\" text about the impression of life.


You would think I should had a map,
you know, one of these tourist ones,
that points out the best parts of the city
and shows how to get there.

You would have thought that I should have gotten one of those.

You would also have thought, that there would have been
a network of subways and busses
as a complement to the cabs.

But of course I have to go everywhere by foot.

You would think that there should be some B&B\'s
considering it\'s a bloody cold climate here
and I excpected a roadsign or two
something like \"Mind The Gap\"

Realising this, I strongly recommend you
to have your vacation elsewhere.

Övriga genrer av Xori
Läst 248 gånger
Publicerad 2006-02-15 19:23

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Small hints? I am not completely stupid.
We never got a map, no. We try to create them, though, trying to make things easier like we always do. But then if everything is übereasy, where's the fun?! to quote Coldplay: "nobody said it was easy, nobody said it was hard"
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