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A little text about a person who has given up this life for something else and why this person did just that...

No faith for the unhappy

i\'ve lost the whole meaning, i can\'t just find that feeling.
where am i suppose to go, when everybody around me just say no?
im all alone in the cold rain, where there\'s nothing to gain.

the rain is so cold, that im near to fold.
but i guess that i should have told.
that my life is near it\'s peek, because there is something i seek

but that will never be, just because it\'s all about me
Why was i so kind, because of that i will never find
the things that i want, and now im gonna be haunt

by my thoughts of \"what if\", maybe i\'ll jump off a cliff.
to end it all, i guess im always gonna fall.
away from my goals, and now we hear the churchbells tolls.

my life ends here, and everybody cheers.
im not gonna be mourn, because my soul has already
been torn by the edge of lifes claws, just for my own
got damn flaws.

And when time has passed, the memory of me are then all gone so fast.
that is how much i mean to this life, it\'s like my own private suicide knife.
now it all stoped, hehe, i guess that\'s happen when my wrists are chopped.

life ends with one strange thought, \"i should have fought\".

Övriga genrer av KaiKu
Läst 269 gånger
Publicerad 2007-01-22 12:47

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