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A man, a soldier.

A man was walking alone in the moonshine.
He felt nothing, no sorrow, no remorse, nor happiness.
He was the perfect soldier they whispered through the night.
Common folk said that he was nothing more than a missing link.
I say, that that soldier, is no one more than those
who stand with no choices left, with no future,
no family, no friends...
What if this soldier, was to be walking, right beside you.
And you\'re ignoring him because all you see...
Is a perfect world. A perfect world of darkness that is.
Dread, death, decay. The great D\'s.
They all exist in war, in the world.
Close your eyes, open them again, there they are.
Still spreading, more and more loved ones\', fading away.
What to do, when the whole world is crashing right
in front of you?

Övriga genrer av Dark Angel
Läst 281 gånger
Publicerad 2007-11-15 01:27

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Dark Angel
Dark Angel