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It's me I'm standing for

The world is always looking down on me
Just because I'm different
But are you really that ignorant, that you can't see?
To be different is a gift, at gift that has been sent

I'ts something that makes me proud
So if you hate and look down on me so much, go on, just scream it out loud
Because I don't care anymore
It's myself I'm standing for

So you don't like me
Because I'm not like you
But I don't wan't to be like you, I don't wan't to watch the world in the way that you see
So congratulations, I hate you too
Just watch the way you do, watch the way you try to use me as a tool
And soon you will realise, that you are the one that all this time has been the fool

I'ts something that makes me proud
So if you hate and look down on me so much, go on, just scream it out loud
Because I don't care anymore
It's myself I'm standing for

[Ursäkta dikten, men är så j*vla förbannad på alla som inte fattar att man faktiskt får och kan vara annorlunda, alla vill inte vara som er.]

Övriga genrer av DrownedDoll
Läst 342 gånger
Publicerad 2008-07-19 18:42

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