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The Contradictionary

And he did what he knew was wrong and Earth shall forever point him out as the Father of all that is Wicked.

Have faith thou unbelievers, it is I.
No man shall ever have to be burdened by what has happened this day.

Have life put you in a difficult spot?
Is your faith so weak that you can't go through with your task?

Who are you people, who can blame every man and woman's wrong doing on Satan, on the Wicked One and then tell those same people...
That they just need to have faith.
That accursed faith is no more good for those who have it ill.
It is no more good for those who have it great.
Faith goes no further than by lip.
And that is as far as it goes.
No further.

Is this a form of revolution.
Yes it is.
Throw down that wretched thing.
Think for yourselves.
Put all the faith you put in Him and digest it.
It is yours and no one else's.

Have faith in mankind to do the right thing when the time comes.
If He exists. He, as the book says, will forgive you.
In that Contradictionary of a book.
In the Sun's book.
You will be forgiven.

Truth will set you free.
But a white lie will make you last a little longer.

Övriga genrer av Dark Angel
Läst 237 gånger
Publicerad 2008-11-06 01:49

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Dark Angel