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Co-written with Lou Marshall Gould - Lou is found here on Poeter as The apache kid

Arizona Satin Night

I passed some towns and bars fast as a Jaguar
could travel
in them July jungle nights
Could hardly see the stars around us
through Jose Cuervo's glasses

Some funny vibes in the guts
of the speed we made
or maybe
the cactus flowers'
scent that filled the air
Mescalin might be the scent
I think

Are those stars
an antilope's eyes
or maybe they are a truck
in the same lane

What a flight it'll be
Sure are
Some colours
I see through my
Jose Cuervo glasses

I'll by three more pairs
When we make it
to the Arizona border
Before the cops
catch up behind us

You step on the throttle
with your boot full of sand
the harder the better
you can feel it
on the bottom of your foot
hotter and softer
like satin sheets in
a motel room bed
round the corner
just round the bend

I'll be sharing it with her
sooner maybe
than later
towards the end

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Smokin Pete
Läst 340 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-05 21:30

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Smokin Pete
Smokin Pete