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Kämpa för vad du tror är rätt även om du inte vet att det är

Pussy riot takes the fight
against Putin
whom steal peoples rights
I am sitting with my daugther
waching the definition and
she is asking what is the differens
what I believe
and what they resieved?
I cant tell her
that I have no idea
build your own belief
make a dessision
what makes you a thief
Make up whith your own heart
what ever happens
it will be a good start
Dont go crying out
others thought
Whats worth in live in the end
is when the pearlharbour asks you what you brougth
Like a showercurtain with moul
It does its thing
but it stinks!
But if you are sure that your mellosong
will rule the world
Word Sisstah!!
your thougth is for sure
You dont need 5 songwrigthers to make your song go around the world
just your own

Övriga genrer av Kraschnik
Läst 221 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-02-07 01:16

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