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Ashes in the frames

Sharpen your knife.
Shatter compositions
with golden cuts.

Mix all the colors
stir it into rage.

Change our fate.

Swallow the torch.
Set the painting ablaze.
The fire eater,
digesting flames.
Leaving only, ashes in the frames.

Rifts forcing shifts
in path and phase.
Strained by chaos
to go separate ways.

Lines are crooked
dark and violent.
Bleeding the colors
'til it all makes sense.

Swallow the torch.
Set the painting ablaze.
The fire eater,
digesting flames.
Leaving only, ashes in the frames.

Smudge substance
into shades.
See how it fades,
when she...

swallows the torch,
to set her soul ablaze.
The fire eater,
digesting flames.
Leaving only, ashes in the frames.

Observe the canvas
merge the mess.

Suppress the undressed mind.

Merge the mess.

Suppress the undressed mind.

Merge the mess.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av fudge
Läst 409 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2017-11-20 23:28

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