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Textarkiv Januari 2009

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Texter publicerade Januari 2009

waterfilled lungs - 2009-01-30
livet i slow motion (1) - 2009-01-30
våren - 2009-01-30
your eyes leaves me speechless - 2009-01-25
a lifetime is a valuable time - 2009-01-20
conversations with jesus (1) - 2009-01-12
the unforgetable love - 2009-01-11
den oförglömliga kärleken - 2009-01-11
time spent on nothing, is a waste of time - 2009-01-09

Månadsöversikt 2009

Januari (9)
Februari (9)
Mars (7)
April (9)
Maj (10)
Juni (5)
Juli (2)

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