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Textarkiv Augusti 2008

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Texter publicerade Augusti 2008

mythology of autumn - 2008-08-31
star ride - 2008-08-28
playing with fire - 2008-08-28
schoolyard crush - 2008-08-27
the cut from the knife, drowned my life - 2008-08-27
knocked out cupid in the first round - 2008-08-22
a wind, a tree and a leave - 2008-08-19
the falling apple - 2008-08-14
coke(aine) - 2008-08-10
another star fall - 2008-08-05
falling from the second floor - 2008-08-03
diffrence for the best - 2008-08-03

Månadsöversikt 2008

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