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43 år Female icon från Stockholm


Dagbok - Juli 2009

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Tisdag den 14 Juli 2009

Efter att ha stekt klart en massa torsdags pannkakor

Julia bär tallriken med sin 4e pannkaka på till bordet, stannar och tittar på mig en stund innan hon säger:
- Vet du va du är?
- Nej, svarar jag
- En bra kock!


Fredag den 10 Juli 2009

I'm so not... thinking of you!

I’m not thinking about you right now on the bus, I’m not thinking about you when morning traffic’s rushing by and I’m not thinking about you while the surrounding trees fade into green. I did not think about you I woke up this morning, I did not think about you while getting dressed and I did not think about you while having my morning coffee. I will not think about you while changing to the tube, I will not think about you while walking the short steps to the entrance of where I work. I will not think about you while buying my second morning cup of bittersweet black, I will not think about you while sitting down at my desk and I will not think about you while logging on to my computer. I will not think about you when checking my mails and I will absolutely not be disappointed realizing, that there is nothing there regarding you. Not a hi, not a “how are you doing?” or the simplest of goodbyes. And I wish it was the truth when I say, that I will not, not one single time, think about you through out the rest of my day…

I’m so not… thinking of you.

Fredag den 10 Juli 2009

Fan va det kliar i fingrarna!

... Ja, helt ny på poeter.se och inte koll på mycket.

Jag visste inte att man bara fick lägga upp 10 dikter om dagen.

Nu väntar, väntar, väntar jag.

Hur långa är 24 timmar?

... så länge som jag väntat måste dom vara 57 timmar långa.

Torsdag den 9 Juli 2009

a rainy, needed, day

It rains all around, summer rain hits the ground. Like tears, both of joy and fears. Tears of sorrow, but not in wane. It is still warm, the sun is alive, it just need to rest. The flowers are thirsty, they ached so the sky would cry. Not in wane. I look outside my window, cars passes by. Back and forth, back and forth. Why such a hurry? I dont even move, so still in front of my rushed window display. My movie of the day, this Thursday blockbuster, its pretty ok. I need to pee, I don’t care. I’ll wait. It rains today, like it did when I fell asleep, fell sleep while the soothing sound of tiny diamonds embellished my night. I smiled as I drifted further and further. I smiled while it rain. Just as I smile today…

Torsdag den 9 Juli 2009

otillåten, oförlåtlig... 28 årig kärlek.

Jag, den baksida av den spegelbild jag ser
28 år gammal, ett nyfött barn i tiden
Men det är ett utnött smil som ler
28 år, det är jag. Varje sekund av dom nästan tiotusen dagar
Som jag har andas, är jag.
Vissa dagar mina händer bär på berg
Likt fjädrar, så lätt som det minsta korn av sand
Andra, hånler solens morgontrålar
Likt knivar, täljer och skaver tungt i min hand
28 år, varken mer eller mindre
Jag kan ljuga och säga att jag är 24.
Vacker och mild, som en sagas spegelbild
Full av liv under månens långa ben
Som vandrar blek bland slumrande fönster i drömmarnas stad
Jag svamlar, jag är jag.
Men om jag var 24 år, skulle dina 20 inte verka så långt ifrån
Så utom räckhåll för vad jag vill ge
Känna, smeka, se dig le
Se dig njuta på våta lakan, som tillhör min säng
Om jag var 24 år skulle dina smekande händer vara ok.
Känna din nakenhet inom mig
Din oförlåtliga hud, hungriga ögon med ungdomens glans
Ditt barnsligt fantastiska skratt som ger mig kraft, som gör mig yngre än de linjer som föds var stund
Små små diken, biten av tidens tand
De smilgropar som pryder mina lår och ända
Du greppar mina händer, vill se allt jag i nattens rodnad blottar
Du fängslar min blick, jag låter det hända
Jag, den baksida av den spegelbild jag ser
Är inte alls 28 år, jag är så mycket mer
Jag viskar i den djupa vrå
Du aldrig kommer att få se
Jag viskar bland de tankar, som virvlar inom mig
Jag tror, nej jag vet. Förlåt förlåt förlåt
Jag… 28 år… är kär i dig.

Torsdag den 9 Juli 2009

Your luck is mine, my luck is Yours

Life is a very strange thing, if you think about it. You, yourself, have to make all the important decision, choose from right or wrong and be strong during dark times, as well as you can enjoy the good when the sun shines.
You sometimes ask why you have to go through hell, fall a thousand times if you in the end, still don’t know how to fly. You curse the skies and you feed the ground you lay broken on with your tears. Even if you cant see it then, right there in front of you a flower’s been born, nursed by the nourishment in the drop of water created by your pain. While you are sore, hope is being reborn and thanks to the tears you were able to offer it is a part of you. You will forever be connected. That flower will grow, in your debt, and the next time you turn for help it will offer you its petals for you to wish upon. Luck will change and faith will look your way.
Yet, it is up to us to make all important decisions, even though we are not a 100% in control of our lives.
We can find a thousand dollars on the street, and at the same time that street can be the death of us while crossing it. We made the decision to cross, but we didn’t make the decision the person behind the wheel did while being drunk.

I don’t believe we are all here for one single reason only and our stories are all ready written among the stars, no, even the heavens change and new stars are being born in this very second. I believe it is up to each and everyone of us to make our own luck in life, to play the cards we’ve been giving but at the same time make sure we are dealt new ones. But sometimes our path crosses another and for a time we walk together with someone else and we depend on these persons to also make wise choices – cause our so called luck, our card and near future, rely on that those choices are the right ones.
You decide alone to cross the street, you don’t decide what will happen once you do.



juni (1)


juli (6)