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47 år Female icon från Stockholm


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A little piece of heaven


A little piece of heaven
An angel from the skies
The sister that you never had
With bright all-seeing eyes

A little piece of heaven
An angel made of rain
With words considerate and warm
To help relieve the pain

A little piece of heaven
An angel kind of bold
She sometimes calls herself a bitch
But has a heart of gold

A little piece of heaven
An angel on the ground
She tells you that no matter what
She´ll always be around

A little piece of heaven
An angel sometimes blue
But yet she does provide
A friendship that is true

A little piece of heaven
An angel-looking knight
In shining armour he will stand
To keep you safe at night

A little piece of heaven
Six angels on standby
A circle made of angels
That always helps you fly


A little piece of heaven
Six angels from above
They lift you up and comfort you
With warm and tender love

A little piece of heaven
Six angels sweet and dear
Words of wisdom, love and warmth
They whisper in your ear

A little piece of heaven
Six angels old and wise
Lend words to give you wisdom
A good piece of advice

A little piece of heaven
Six angels help you through
Whenever you are falling
And feel all sad and blue

A little piece of heaven
Six angels with a smile
If you´re sad they´ll always be there
To hold you for a while

A little piece of heaven
Six angels guarding you
They surround you with their circle
No matter what you do

A little piece of heaven
Six angels in a pact
To give you courage, strength and hope
To help you, thats a fact

A little piece of heaven
Six angels in this story
But these ones are for real
Each one with golden glory

Fri vers av Skye
Läst 796 gånger
Publicerad 2007-06-29 01:21

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  marie tries
wow! den var fantastiskt söt och kärleksfull. Trodde hela tiden att jag hittat min favorit vers, men så kom nästa och den var ännu bättre....och nästa.....

  Margaretha Garp
Härligt kärleksfull och full av hopp. Tycker om upprepningarna, det är som en liten visa

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