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Minns ni Radio Luxemburg



In my days of youth
and almost innocense
I stole some late night hours
listening to Radio Luxembourg
in the puerile world  of fantasy
I followed the light in the green eye
and saw the broadcast come and go
floating on the ether, in the air, waving at me
weaving me into things imagined and as yet untasted.

One song among them
stayed and lives on as broken fragments,
words only dimly known and only really known
in these times of knowing so much more than innocense 
*I reach for the stars, as I reach for your love*
I can hear her still in that fetid night, the windows open,
to the thornbird's night calls and the unknown hustling
in the knee-high grass below the window sill.
Ignorance made sensuous what senses did not know as yet.
And words could not describe
what the body yearned to know.

But I have suddenly
in middle age and way past the prime of youth
stumbled into that realm again.
I reach for the stars, as I reach for your love
I touch what I have never felt
a shimmering stardust cascade of loving looks
a brilliant pearl necklace of rippling laughter
a starry trekk across the wide expanse of life
a milky way from breast to breast
unchartered hours, uncalculated mileage
across the Space and through the Earth
around the globe and back
faster than a Concorde flight,
building a concord thicker than blood
flying higher than any kite,
spaceship or Voyager to Mars.

I reach for the Stars
as I reach for your love
and even if Stardust is all
that gets into my eyes
The hours spent listening to you through the night
are as happy as once the stolen nights
on Radio Luxembourg.

Fri vers av Björn Donobauer
Läst 602 gånger
Publicerad 2007-06-04 13:11

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