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  --then I am alright

If I am not looking



Seeing you again


When you are

A voice message only

And when my eyes

Only live

On flash-back memories

Then it is possible

At brave moments

To unthink our being together


When all I have

Is a foggy snapshot of you

Without me in the same frame

Then it is possible

To unlink the threads

Unclasp the holding hands

See you apart from me

all separately yourself.


But when I see you

Again and again

A thousand times per second

Seeing all of you

That I have indelibly seen

Seeing all and yet nothing at all

Then no undoing can be done

No unseeing can be sought

No unthinking can be thought.


If I then don't see you

For long enough

Then maybe I'll find a way

To think of life ahead

Apart from you

But, now

All I think of

Feel in need of

Long for

Is you



And again

Still you

Always you.


Fri vers av Björn Donobauer
Läst 541 gånger
Publicerad 2007-06-04 13:29

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