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Yesterday, the blackbird



Yesterday the blackbird

Valentine's day,
all hearts a-throbbing
I went back to clear the last debris
of years of living on a dream
in her house, the one I built for us.

I didn't mean to kill
it happened sooner than the wish
I saw him come, unlucky bastard
but first I saw the hen
avoiding but seemlingly
wanting to be caught,
willing but heaven knows what
she dashed across the road on foot
a cutthroat action on the motorway.

The dumb male, wings a-hanging
followed suit, head drooping, eyes riveted
at dipping tail, hormones high,
blind, in total passion fixed.

She made it just
he 'bit the dust',
tyres shrieked, tarmac scorched,
I tried, I did, I swear I did,
a fluttering of feathers
and he was mauled and done.

Dead silence,
the driver blanched a bit
and paused,
the blackbird hen sat
staring at him on a branch
then preened her feathers
ready for another chase.

She looked as if my green Mercedes
was a godsend for her
another unsuitable suitor gone
and her bid for progeny secured
for the one she really wanted all along.

Was her seeming frantic dash
a calculated move, a finely laid out plan
a brilliant way to let
another kill that silly male?
And all she needs to do
is wipe the guilty smile away
and fly again.
Secured herself a better spouse
that murderous, quite risky way
and knows so well that even if tonight
a treetop has no chansonnier,
another will be there tomorrow.

A decade later that eerie Valentine's card
still bothers me a bit
and makes the corners of my mouth go hard.
I wonder if that clump
of bloodied feathers wasn't really
somehow me.

Yesterday the blackbird
today and then and now forever I?


Fri vers av Björn Donobauer
Läst 502 gånger
Publicerad 2008-07-02 14:01

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  ej medlem längre
Ja, Björn, I love this poem! Well done. / R.

Gunwale VIP
No - because I hear that human chansonnier...
Men man förstår ju hur du såg likheter där - och att det hände på Alla hjärtans dag!... Är koltrasthonan sådär smart (och grym), överträffar hon nog de kloka kråkfåglarna, som lär kunna planera en hel del...
Applåderar denna välberättade historia!

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